Conscious Happiness - Unleash Your Inner Wonder Woman (motivational article)

Kiara Miller
6 min readDec 11, 2022


- Happiness is a conscious choice; it is the commitment of a conscious person on the path of personal development. -

The sick will not be cured, the poor will not become rich, the unfortunate will not become lucky, the loser will not become a winner. Spirituality does not cure the bad, it does not make the hard easy. Spirituality does not take the burden off your shoulders, it only teaches you to carry it. And it doesn’t liberate you from responsibility, on the contrary, it makes you realise that you have to take responsibility for yourself, for your own thoughts, for your own feelings, for your own physical, mental and spiritual health.

Spirituality will show you what you need to see, but it will show you that first the unconsciousness is causing turmoil within you or around you, pulling the ground out from under you, upsetting your life, confusing your relationships, unbalancing your physical and psychological functioning; shows it in a way that is sure to hurt, sure to force you out of your comfort zone, out of your ways of thinking and open your mind to new ways of viewing things, in a way that is sure to make you look very ugly, or very bad, or in a way that makes you feel unworthy enough of the lessons to make something in you rebel.

Life will always show you the way out, but it will lead you to it in the same violent and stubborn way that you try to avoid seeing, to the truth that causes you to redefine your priorities, your relationships, and ultimately your whole life.

The more stubbornly you deny it, the more stubbornly the Universe will reveal to you what you need to see about yourself, the more it will confuse and stir your things up, and yes, make you sick. It will get you in physical and emotional trouble; it will crush you, it will knock you down, it will target your weakest points causing you such disappointment, stress, anxiety and anguish that you will surely notice where your wounds are. It debilitates you to force you to find your own inner resources, knocks you off your feet to show you that you can always get back up, and paralyses you to teach you to walk again.

And all the while, you discover that there is no one to heal you, fix you, solve your problems, resolve your doubts and fears, and give you confidence.

There is no one to help you until you yourself are willing to face your own problems, admit the need for change, and sit down to take a closer look at where you have lost your way, where you have lost your childlike innocence, your openness, your confidence, your faith, your peace of mind, where you lost your healthy, constructive thinking, where your life has gone astray, where the reins slipped out of your hand, where you got stuck, where you left your true self behind and took on your roles in the fight for your survival; the masks you’re no longer even aware of.

And when you see all of that, the healing can begin in the blinding light of “It’s not me!”

Spirituality is not a sanctity, it does not make you privileged — the privilege is your own Being. It does not make you rich — the only real richness is the realisation of your own inner worth. It does not make you healthy — keeping yourself healthy starts with respect for yourself, because the only way to protect yourself from toxic thoughts is to respect your own being. It also doesn’t make you happy.

Spirituality, as well as consciousness — which the path of spiritual awakening requires — gives you a chance to realize that happiness is really nothing more than being in harmony with Life, that is, being in harmony with Yourself. Life and You are the same. You are part of Nature, you are conceived from it, it nourishes you and sustains you. To be in harmony with Yourself is to be in harmony with Life. As in, so out. This is happiness. And it is also spiritual awakening: being in harmony with your own Being, your own Divine expression moment by moment.

But in a world of opposites, only by first learning about disharmony can we find harmony, only by first discovering what does not make us happy, can we learn what happiness is. It is by recognizing our differences that we are able to choose. The challenge of choice, however, is our ability to recognize what makes us happy and what does not.

Thus, awareness gives you a chance to notice why you are not finding happiness, where the problems, the lack, the dissatisfaction, the cracks in the drape of your life, the wounds that need caring for, that need to be addressed, to see the suppressed Inner Child within yourself who simply wants attention and love, and to make her aware of her own “Wonder Woman nature”.

This is not a salvific path, my Friend, nor does it lead to salvation, but to the realisation of the simple meaning of life, devoid of all mystery; to see who you really are and the design with which your Soul has chosen this life.

To be spiritual or conscious is to live IN your Truth, to live your Truth, facing the unpleasant, the ugly, the painful, the confusing, the upsetting, the shameful, the fearful, your own insecurities, your miseries, your weakness, your fallibility, your vulnerability, your exposedness, your flaws, your imperfections, your inner demons; all the things you wanted to avoid more than anything. And to take responsibility, accepting that no one and nothing can give you the strength to rise above it, and no one is obliged to give you meaning for your life and a vaccine for your suffering; you have to find that for yourself. Within yourself.

And only in this conscious confrontation, and in this forced introspective self-searching, can you discover that everything you expected from others has in fact always been there.

It’s all within you, you just can’t see it because, until you start on the path of consciousness, your unconsciously conditioned mindset and belief system is hiding it from you. This is what you must first recognize and acknowledge. This is where all roads and paths lead. This is the meaning and purpose of spirituality and personal development. This is the purpose of your life: to recognize yourself beneath the layers you have buried yourself under in this game called Life, and throw off your mental shackles.

A positive approach to self-development is not a course you take and after a few months you get a “Happy Human” certification, nor is it the title of “Black Belt Master of the Law of Attraction” with which you can flawlessly attract a nice house, lots of money or a soul mate.

No self-development or spiritual direction, no coach, mentor, teacher, master, not even your God can heal your life instead of you, because your life, your health, your happiness, and your awakening begins within you and with you; with your choices, your conscious mindset, your mindset, the way you see yourself and your potential. And as long as that mindset is cluttered with destructive and soul-poisoning limiting beliefs, you will see only destruction and failure in everything you touch. Because your outer life is a reflection of your inner life, that’s the secret. That’s what changes everything: your mindset.

Just watch how your life unfolds. Because nothing happens by chance, neither the fall nor the rise. And to understand Life’s messages, you have to pay attention to the ordinary signs as well as the unordinary. Because the signs of your Spirit’s Plan are in everything.

So, don’t just turn on the “notifier” on your phone, but in your mind too. This app is called “ Consciousness”.

This is the path to Conscious Happiness.

Because happiness is a conscious choice; it is the commitment of a conscious person on the path of personal development.

